Our lab uses molecular, cellular, biochemistry, and imaging techniques to elucidate mechanisms underlying formation of neural crest and placode cells and to unravel the roles and functions of these cells in human development and disease.
Migratory neural crest cells undergo EMT and give rise to a diverse array of structures in the developing vertebrate embryo.
The Neural Crest
Known as the “fourth germ layer,” neural crest cells possess the capacity to differentiate into many cell types.
Snail2 targets during neural crest cell EMT and migration
Snail2 represses many genes, including components of cell junctions, to mediate EMT.
Neural crest cell interactions and the creation of the cranial ganglia
Neural crest cells must interact with placode cells to assemble the cranial ganglia.
Lab News and Updates
Congratulations to Dr. Carrie Leonard for her promotion to Assistant Research Professor!
The lab welcomes Ms. Lesly Sejas as our new tech!
The lab is looking to hire new personnel (postdocs, graduate students, technicians). Please contact Dr. Taneyhill for more information.